Betty Goes Bananas  - Make a 'jungle' themed Reading Corner!

This idea came from Mr Lacey, teacher at Bridlewood Primary School. Betty Goes Bananas inspired him to transform his Reading Corner into a jungle, complete with hanging monkeys! This is something that you can do yourself or with the help of your pupils.

If you'd like to include your pupils, you can have them draw leaves or bananas to stick on the wall. The vines could simple be made by hanging green crepe paper (right).

And it doesn't have to be all about Betty, although she may not like being usurped from her jungle throne! Betty has plenty of other picture book counterparts of the ape variety.

I simply think it's a fun way of using books to inspire a themed Reading Corner and I quite like the idea of reading in a jungle!

For more fun lesson ideas, press HERE.

Mr Lacey's Reading Corner.

Mr Lacey's Reading Corner.