An illustration especially made for BAMB. To see the other official BAMB illustrations, go HERE. They're all fantastic!
The Bell Bookshop is a warm, welcoming treasure trove of a bookstore located at the heart of Henley-on-Thames. Yesterday, I had the pleasure of spending all afternoon at their Books Are My Bag (BAMB) party and in the company of the store's friendly staff, along with author, Amanda Jennings. There were cakes and balloons and there was bunting too. For me, it was a fun day of drawing, signing books and chatting to customers.
Thank you, Hachette Children's, for connecting me with and organising my travel to The Bell Bookshop, and thank you, The Bell Bookshop, for having me. I'd like to especially thank those that stopped and said hello for making it such a fun day! I really enjoyed seeing ALL of your drawings! Below are some photos of the day.
For more on The Bell Bookshop, please visit
For more on BAMB and how you can get involved in celebrating bookshops, please visit
Me and my limited edition Tracey Emin bag!
In the window.
A great display.
The Queen and her corgi!
A fantastic shop!
The lemur from 'Please Mr Panda' by Elliot, age 9. Fantastic!
Corgi's by Olivia. Brilliant!
'The Queen's Hat'
Betty was there too!
Books Are My Bag