Signing in Waterstones, Swindon.
Get out the bunting and put on your best hat.
'The Queen's Hat' paperback is OUT NOW in all it's red foil glory!
Even the Queen's red lipstick shines on the cover.
I'm really, really pleased with the paperback edition. The team at Hodder have been amazing. And so have the shops! I can't even begin to tell you just how thrilled I am with the book's overall response. It's been incredible. Since the hardback was published, I've read at Hay Festival, drawn in Foyles shop window and illustrated a 'how to draw a corgi' via the Guardian, amongst other things.
I'm so thrilled to know that kids (and adults alike) are enjoying the book.
Signing, while posing: I think I've mastered it.
I've got a bunch of events lined up to celebrate. Here are a list of the confirmed 'The Queen's Hat' events. Together, let's see if we can spot that Butler! By using the arrows to the right you can scroll along to more future events.
I can't stress just how grateful I am for all of the support this book has received from book stores and libraries. Here are just some of the fantastic displays. The bunting-making, poster-printing PR team at Hodder have been fantastic.
Click on an image to enlarge it.