The Taiwan editions of PLEASE MR PANDA and I'LL WAIT, MR PANDA respectively reached number one in the children's charts in Taiwan. Here's an advertisement for both books. I love this. Mr Panda has his very own webpage in Traditional Chinese HERE.
「你想吃甜甜圈嗎?」 熊貓先生耐心且有禮貌的詢問動物們要不要吃甜甜圈。 企鵝和臭鼬毫不客氣的指定甜甜圈的顏色, 鴕鳥下巴抬的高高的,甩頭不理人, 大鯨魚想要全部的甜甜圈,還要求熊貓先生拿更多來...... 卻被酷酷的熊貓先生一一拒絕了。 熊貓先生捧著滿滿的一盒甜甜圈,一個都還沒送出去。 到底有誰可以吃到這些甜甜圈呢? ● 作者簡介 作、繪者/ 史蒂夫‧安東尼 ...